Monday, December 27, 2010

After Christmas Catch up!

Christmas was amazing this year! I got to go to Charleston and meet David's extended family, hang out with is dad and step-mom, and play in the snow, and spend my first christmas with my precious baby Wesley! David and I are so fortunate to have the amazing family that we do. Wesley's grandparents on both sides spoiled him rotten. My parents bought him this awesome bouncy seat that has all types of things for him to play with and look at. I wish I could have one! Davids parents got him a cute warm up jersey, a Boston Red Sox blanket, and cute stuffed monkey. Another fun thing that happened was it snowed in Charleston and Steph David's step-mom babysat Wesley so David and I could walk around downtown in the snow! It was so beautiful and romantic! I cherish the alone times that I have with David now. Don't get me wrong...I love my son and love being a mommy, but those quiet alone times with David are so precious and rare! I hope everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as I did!

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