Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

I promise that my blog is not going to turn into a blog strictly about children, but I have to say how proud I am of Wesley. We had to take him to the doctor today to get his 2 month shots and he did so good. He laughed and played with the doctor and nurses and was so sweet. Then comes in the shots. The first shot was given and no tears, then the second was given and he made this face like "are you serious?" Then they gave him the third and the tears came. He didn't cry to long, but it still broke my heart. I think it was harder on David and I then it was on Wesley. Wesley was so brave and I couldn't ask for a better baby. I am such a proud mommy, but I am so glad today it is over. We get to look forward to this again in February!!!!!!

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