Monday, April 18, 2011

My Adventure in homemade baby food.

I decided along time ago that I was going to make Welsey's baby food. I figured it would be healthier, cheaper, and I love a challenge! So, a couple of weeks ago, when he was about 5 and a half months I started my adventure. Before I started, I did a lot of reading. After all, I definately didn't want to feed him something his little tummy couldn't handle, feed him too much, and mainly, just poison the poor guy. I found that, for me, was the best website. I also asked several of my friends who made their babies' food some pointers as well. (Thanks Karen Bryant and Elizabeth Robinson!) So I went to the store with my list in hand ready to embark on my journey! I decided that I was going to make brown rice cereal, apples, bananas, carrots, and sweet potatoes first. (FYI - Do one at a time to make sure they aren't allergic.) I also decided that everything I was going to make for him would be organic as well. It is a little more expensive, but you still save SO much more in the long run. I mean one carrot is like 2 days worth of food at first. I was scared when I first started making his food, but you know what? It is incredibly easy. It eases my mind knowing what is in his baby food. There are no preservatives, dyes, or crazy ingredients in it that I need to be worried about. I wasn't able to nurse Wesley as long as I had planned, so making his food makes me feel less guilty. So, so far my adventure is going ok. I'll keep you updated as he starts to eat more challenging things!

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