Monday, December 27, 2010

After Christmas Catch up!

Christmas was amazing this year! I got to go to Charleston and meet David's extended family, hang out with is dad and step-mom, and play in the snow, and spend my first christmas with my precious baby Wesley! David and I are so fortunate to have the amazing family that we do. Wesley's grandparents on both sides spoiled him rotten. My parents bought him this awesome bouncy seat that has all types of things for him to play with and look at. I wish I could have one! Davids parents got him a cute warm up jersey, a Boston Red Sox blanket, and cute stuffed monkey. Another fun thing that happened was it snowed in Charleston and Steph David's step-mom babysat Wesley so David and I could walk around downtown in the snow! It was so beautiful and romantic! I cherish the alone times that I have with David now. Don't get me wrong...I love my son and love being a mommy, but those quiet alone times with David are so precious and rare! I hope everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as I did!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tis' the Season to be Jolly???

So today on my lunch break I decide to go to Wal-mart to go look around because I still have some shopping left. (I know I am such a procrastinator!) Anyways, I am in a good mood because Christmas is only a few days away and I am so excited about going to Charleston to see David's family. Well, let me just say that not everyone shares in my joy for the nearness of the upcoming holiday! Two people almost ran me over with their buggies, one lady hit me with her purse, and more people than not were in the grumpiest moods!!!! What's going on? Come on people! It's Christmas! I don't understand why everyone gets so cranky now-a-days. I feel sorry for those people because they are missing out on the fun of Christmas! Oh well, I am still in a good mood despite my near death experience at Wal-mart.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Out with the old, In with the new

David and I have decided to go to Charleston to visit his family this Christmas, and this morning on the way to work we were talking about ALL the things we now have to pack to take a trip. They include: Pack and Play, Stroller, Car Seat, diapers, baby clothes, wipes, bottle, formula, extra clothes (you know there will be an accident or 5), our clothes and toiletries, and of course Wesley! We have come to the conclusion that gone are the days where we can just pack up and take off on a whim and be carefree. We actually have to plan things out now. I'm a little nervous about our mini-vacation this weekend because knowing me, I am definately going to forget something important. I'm excited about our first Christmas with Wesley and visiting David's family...I will let you know how our traveling adventure turns out!

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

I promise that my blog is not going to turn into a blog strictly about children, but I have to say how proud I am of Wesley. We had to take him to the doctor today to get his 2 month shots and he did so good. He laughed and played with the doctor and nurses and was so sweet. Then comes in the shots. The first shot was given and no tears, then the second was given and he made this face like "are you serious?" Then they gave him the third and the tears came. He didn't cry to long, but it still broke my heart. I think it was harder on David and I then it was on Wesley. Wesley was so brave and I couldn't ask for a better baby. I am such a proud mommy, but I am so glad today it is over. We get to look forward to this again in February!!!!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 19, 2010

My son Wesley has been in the world for only 9 weeks and I have already learned so much from him. The amazing thing about babies is that they are seeing everything for  the first time and they still have their innocence. It's so cute when Wesley sits and stares at something as simple as the fan and wrinkles his little brow and tries so hard to figure out what exactly it is. Or when I call his name when he is looking in the other direction, he turns his head, focuses in on me and then smiles this huge beautiful smile as if to say, "Mommy I found you!" My point in saying all of that is sometimes I take things to seriously and stress out about the silliest things. Sometimes we just need to let things go and stare at a fan and just laugh!

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17, 2010

I have been noticing that a lot of my friends have been getting into blogging lately. I have been following a couple of them and I decided that I wanted to start. I think that for a few reasons it's kind of a good idea. One- you can write down some ideas and later on go back, and see how you were thinking and feeling at the time. Two- Share some insight on life with your friends whether it be good or bad. Three- why not? It seems that everyone cares what everyone is doing right now because our lives are just that boring! I haven't decided if I am going to have a theme yet. Some of my friends have a pregnancy theme, cooking theme, sewing theme... Any ideas? What about the world according to Heather theme?