Thursday, January 13, 2011


I am so upset with myself! I had this idea in my head that by month three after having Wesley that I would be in great shape and have lost all my weight. Ummm...could I be any less realistic? I gained 40 pounds with Wesley (I know I KNOW!!!!!) Well, I have lost 30. But, I want to lose like 30 more to be where I want to be. I am frustrated because I can't afford a gym membership, but it's so freaking cold outside! I couldn't possibly run outside! (Am I making excuses or what?) So needless to say, my unrealistic goal of being in this fantastic shape after three months of having him has not been met. Wesley turns 14 weeks on Friday. Another thing that frustrates me is that everything shifts after you are pregnant. I don't think that anything will be the same again. It's true when they say that your body is never your own once you are pregnant. But, the end result is well worth it!


  1. awwwww sweet mamasita! it took 9 months to get it that way, and it could take 9 months to get it back. are you nursing? come hoop with us, and you'll peel that weight right off in no time!

  2. You'll lose the weight Heather. I do agree with you that the end result is well worth it. Just don't get depressed over your weight. It will come off eventually. ;) Give Wesley a kiss from me!!!

  3. Rebecca I nursed for a month. It made me sad that I couldn't after that. I wanted to nurse him until he was one, but my milk never came in fully unfortunately. =( I really really want to start hooping with you guys! I just need to get a new hoop from you!
