Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Travelin' light, is the only way to fly, yeah travelin' light, just you and I"

Great news on the traveling family front...... David and I bought our truck last night. We bought a Ford F250. I am so excited. We have been looking ever since we made the decision to get rid of everything and travel. We finally found the perfect truck. So now we are on to phase 2: finding a camper. We are looking for a 5th wheel. Hopefully thus won't take as long. I am so ready for this next adventure to happen I can't stand it!! I think mostly I am ready to continue on my path of soul searching, and figuring out what is in store for my family. I'm ready to drown myself with nature, peacefulness, and ridding myself of distractions. So, needless to say we are excited that we have one phase down, and on to the next. Until next time. Peace.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Letting Go

Wesley takes about an hour and a half nap every morning around ten thirty, eleven o clock. I decided about a month ago that I was claming that time as mine. I have chosen to not do anything house related, mommy related, or wife related during that time. Out of 24 hours a day, I think I can have about an hour to do whatever I want. I think that as a mom, wife, housekeeper, bill writer, accountant, etc. that every woman needs time to themselves every day. Now i know that moms with multiple kids it gets tricky, but hopefully you guys can find maybe 10 minutes to just stop and breathe. Anyways, while I have he opportunity for an hour, I am taking it! So during that time I take a shower, get ready, and I meditate for 30 minutes. A lot of people disagree with meditating. When I meditate, I don't pray to gods or anything, basically I clear my mind. I don't think about bills, appointments, agendas, or anything else going on in my life. I release my stress for those 30 minutes. I let go. It takes a lot of practice. I still sometimes will find myself thinking about something, and I have to tell myself to just breathe and let go. I love it! It really helps put things I to perspective. I have really bad anxiety. I have panic attacks a lot, I have found that by meditating it really helps me with my worry. So I challenge all my fellow moms to try and take some time out of every day for yourselves. Whether it is 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour. Take that time and just breathe. It's good for the soul. Peace.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A little Soul Cleansing

As I mentioned before, David, Wesley, and I went home for Thanksgiving and finally moved out of our house in Effingham. We decided that instead of selling all of our things, that we would donate them to Goodwill instead. So, we rented a Uhaul and packed up our house. It is such a cleansing experience for the soul, and so freeing when you go through your house and throw away junk that you kept, because "I might need this one day" and donating clothes that fit you when you were like 12. I was so humbled and ashamed in myself when I saw all the bags of shoes, clothes, toys, pots, pans, and other things we gave away. Americans as a society think that we need the newest and latest "thing" to make us happy. We get caught up in the latest trends and fads, and lose sight of what is really important. I mean I worked as a fashion consultant and buyer for a high end clothing store. Believe me I was DEFINATELY caught up in all the hype. Anyways, the only things that we didn't donate were a few antique pieces, that were handed down from my mom, and Wesleys baby furniture, swing, and exersaucer. Hopefully there will be a new Willingham bambino in the near future. After we dropped everything off at Goodwill, David and I could fit all of our clothes in one lawn trash bag, Wesleys clothes and toys in a suitcase, and all of our earthly possessions in the smallest storage room they had. I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, and we probably won't live this way forever, but right now it fits, and I am loving every minute of it. It feels good to strip yourself down to the necessities and find peace in other areas of life. I am so excites about our journey and I can't wait to share our life experiences with you. Peace!!