Monday, February 7, 2011

They grow up so fast!

I can't believe that Wesley is going to be 4 months old next week!! This weekend I was going through his drawers and I had to put some of his clothes in storage! Every time that I have to put clothes away it makes me cry. He is growing up so fast and learning so much. Everyday he is becoming more and more of a little person with his own little personality. David and I think that he is getting a tad spoiled, but that's ok for now. He is such a joy and I am so fortunate that we can take him places with us. We can go out to eat and he will just hang out in his little carseat and play. To all of my friends that have just had babies our are about to have a baby.... Cherish every single second and love it! I can't tell you enough how awesome it is being a mom! Every day is a new adventure. On another note.... I am looking into making my own baby food. Has anyone done that and what are your thoughts on it? I have heard such good things about it, but it would be nice to get some input from people that I know.

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's the weekend! WOOP WOOP!

Is anyone else as excited about the weekend as I am? This has been one crazy week! David, Wesley, and I are going out to eat tonight to celebrate David's new job! Yay! I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's the little things

It's the little things that mean a lot
whether you think so or not
Taking out the trash and doing the dishes
You don't even know that you are fulfilling my wishes
I love it when you try and help me cook
Most of all I love watching you read Wesley a book
You are there for me when I need a hand
But most of all you are my best friend.

I know that this poem is cheesy and elementary, but I wanted David to know how much I love him and how proud of him I am. He started his new welding job today which is such a blessing! I am so proud of him for not giving up and for always working so hard to provide for me and Wesley! Happy first day of work baby!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Amazing!

I tell you, I knew that  being a mom would be amazing, but I had no idea that it would be this wonderful! I LOVE being a mom. No matter how bad of a day I have at work, or what type of a mood I am in, I go home and say hey to Wesley and he smiles this incredible smile and it makes everything better. It melts my heart. I love watching him everyday and see how every single day he learns something new. He is a sponge that absorbs everything. He is so innocent and pure and sometimes I wish that I could have some of that innocence. We get so wraped up in our day to day lives that we forget to just sit back and enjoy the little things. Our lives are ran by watches and clocks and meetings, and "oh I have to do this errand and go that place", that life just passes us by. I think the thing that I am struggling with the most with being a mother is that since I am working, I don't want to miss the little things with Wesley. I hate that for 8 hours of the day I am not with him. I want to see everything that he does and soak in every minute! I feel like sometimes I'm missing out on his life because I am not with him. I wonder- does he know that I am his mom? Am I spending enough time with him when I get home? I know that these all sound silly, but it's hard juggling work and mommyhood. I know that tons of women work and raise kids, but I desire to be 100 percent involved in his life. I mean it's up to me and David to raise him the right way. So, as I embark on this journey, I LOVE every minute of it, but I also am afraid to at times. But....I know that when I get off of work today my little boy is going to greet me with a HUGE smile and all my worries will go away!