Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Thanksgiving lesson

This Thanksgiving was a thanksgiving I will never forget. Wednesday when David, Wesley, and I were packing to go back to South Carolina to visit my family, I told him that I had a weird feeling about this thanksgiving. He told me that everything would be fine, and that I was probably stressed because we were finally moving our furniture out of our house. Well, we were really donating all of our furniture, most of our clothes, and a ton of other things. Anyways, I just had a weird feeling. If I only knew what was coming. So we started the drive home, and we hit the traffic. It was bumper to number for miles and miles. What was supposed to be a 3 hour drive turned into a 5 and a half hour drive. Wesley did really well until the last 45 minutes, but who can blame him? We did purchase some awesome cowboy boots for him before we left. They are the most awesome boots I have ever seen. (I would post pics, but I am currently blogging from my phone bc my laptop died. Santa I really need a new one!) once we made it home we crashed for the night. So thanksgiving day we all wake up and cuddle in the bed and get ready to go to my moms. We arrive, my brother and his family arrives, and for the first hour everything is great. Then the war breaks out. Without getting into to much detail bc it's personal, I have never been so blindsided by meanness ever. Needless to say my intuition came true. David, Wesley, and I left my parents early and had thanksgiving lunch at Golden Corral. Now before you feel sorry for me, let me tell you the awesome lesson I learned. At first when all this went down at my parents, I was upset. But I realized I am no longer the person that I was even a year ago. By the grace of God I am changed. I am a mother, and a wife, I am no longer the selfish, rebellious, brat that I used to be. Thank God for that. I also learned that my family is now my amazing husband and my beautiful son. It doesn't matter where I live, or where I eat my Thanksgiving meal, I am with my family and that is all that matters. My husband and son love me for who I am, and they think that I am the best wife and mother ever. And you know what? That is good enough for me. So what started out to be a crazy thanksgiving turned out to be one of the best thanksgivings. I learned a valuable lesson that I will take with me forever. I hope you all had a great thanksgiving, and ate way to much turkey! Peace!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Willingham's Lately

So it has been awhile since I last blogged. I have decided since David and I have made a serious life change, that I will start blogging about our adventures. What is this life change you ask? Well, we have decided to sell pretty much all of our earthly belongings, and travel around the US with David's job. He is a pipe welder and has this amazing opportunity to travel all over the country. We both love traveling, and since W is little, we thought why not? So I am going to revamp my blog, and blog about all of our adventures that we encounter. I guess you could call us your modern day vagabond. Also, I want to share with you guys our granola way of parenting. What is granola parenting? Well, basically, David and I cosleep, babywear, and cloth diaper Wesley. We dont babywear as much anymore because Wesley can walk, but when his little legs get tired, we babywear. So, this blog is my way of keeping my family and friends up to date, and anyone else who cares to read. Peace.